Our Story
The inspiration for Flow Perth came from the 2012 Agile Australia conference in 2012. Roy Singham is the founder & chairman of Thoughtworks and was one of the keynote speakers for the conference. He spoke of how the tech industry was helping to combat counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs in third world countries. He shared that people gave their time, skills and some technology hardware to allow others to validate if the medicine being provided to third world countries was legitimate.
I was in awe! Here I am sitting in a big conference room and looking around at other people, their faces, I realised in that moment that there are so many opportunities to make a difference.
We give so much energy and commitment to the companies we work for - imagine if we gave just a little bit of that away - imagine what it could do for our communities and not-for-profit sector?
from Sydney to spend the weekend with these brilliant people… Again I was in awe.
In two years the Flow Perth community have delivered solutions, knowledge and energy into three wonderful not-for-profits, The Miracle Babies Foundation, The Fathering Project & Autism West.
We're looking forward to helping more not-for-profits and growing a sustainable model which creates a place where skilled volunteers regularly have events to give back to the community.
Richard McAllister, Founder Flow Perth & Scalabl
El Capitan
When I got back to Perth I committed myself to doing something, so in front of the Agile Perth meetup group I shared the beginnings of my idea to help the Perth not-for-profit community. I didn't know how to do it, I didn't know the resources I would need, I didn't know if people would be interested...
12 months later there I was standing in front of 25 skilled, smart, enthusiastic, excited people introducing the very first Flow Perth. The CEO of the not-for-profit we were helping had flown in
The Crew
Check out our passionate team.